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PSX 2020 Transitioning to Fully Virtual Experience

PSX 2020 (formerly known as the Product Stewardship Conference) is fast approaching and we have an amazing conference planned for you! We are cognizant of concerns with travel and limited travel budgets, so we have decided to go entirely virtual. The Conference and Exchange will be held on the same dates as originally planned, September 15-17, 2020.

We know the coronavirus has made our jobs as product stewards all the more important, challenging, and relevant. We have designed our program offerings to address topics and issues pertinent to our new normal, content that we believe will assist you as product stewards.

Registration for Virtual PSX opens next week with discounted rates (up to 45%) for the entire 3-day conference or individual day passes, including the same number of education sessions as originally planned. We will also feature a robust Virtual Exchange, Lunch and Learn sessions from our sponsors, live interactive chats with attendees and speakers, and much more.

We know that networking is an important component of PSX. Product Stewardship Society staff are working on unique opportunities to deliver on your networking needs and expectations, and to provide opportunities to connect with others.

The virtual program we have planned for you is timely, robust, and interactive. We are committed to delivering the quality education to which you have grown accustomed. While we will not be physically together, we will be joined by our shared commitment to product stewardship. We think this will be our best, and most well attended conference yet.

See you soon!

Lynn Bergeson
President at Product Stewardship Society.