Volunteer Opportunity: Climate Change Adaptation Task Force

Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Factors that directly impact both occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) as well as product stewardship reflect changing weather patterns, such as a warming climate and its impact on natural disasters and global pandemics.

AIHA, our parent organization, is establishing a task force to define how the association and the profession should approach their role in the realm of climate change adaptation and has invited members of the Product Stewardship Society to participate.

The purpose of the task force is to provide strategic direction, which will help AIHA and the Product Stewardship Society:

  • Demonstrate a lead role and communicate to our members ways in which our professions can respond to the changing climate
  • Educate and engage our members in critiquing systems and setting sustainability metrics for “green” products and materials from the lens of toxicity to prevent “regrettable substitutions”
  • Inform members about our ability to prepare the professions for the challenges presented by an evolving climate.

Applicants are asked to have experience/familiarity in addressing climate change issues, including how they relate to product stewardship.

More information on the Climate Change Adaptation Task Force, along with the volunteer application, can be found here.

Online applications will be accepted until April 2, 2021.


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